Walking Dead Season 6 spoilers, plot rumors: Will Enid's mystery finally be revealed?


Season 6 of Walking Dead is still a long way off but it seems that fans can more or less expect a revelation of sorts of knowing Enid better.

Enid, played by Katelyn Nacon, was a pretty mysterious character during season 5 and is someone who didn't really exist in the comic book version. Nevertheless, Enid hooked up with Carl and both are living outside the walls of Alexandria.

With backstories and flashbacks already in mention, could we possibly be finding out the real story of how Enid came into the picture?

Thanks to our man Oscar:The previous photos of Enid raised a few questions. This photo may raise more. We see Enid,...

Posted by The Spoiling Dead Fans on Friday, May 22, 2015

Spoiling Dead fans posted some images via Facebook in what looks like a flashback scene. In the image, Enid is joined by two adults which many are speculating to be her parents. There are even some who are making wild guesses that the adults in the photo could be part of The Wolves.

So does it follow that Enid is part of the Wolves too? Was Enid sneaking out of Alexandria to see them?

The thing is, AMC has confirmed that they haven't cast anyone Enid's parents or Wolves for that matter. If that is the case, who are the adults who have been driving the Walking Dead fans crazy in speculation?

For now the answer to that remains up in the air and Enid remains a mystery. Would this be the same case for Carl?

It should be interesting to see if Carl would suffer the same fate in the comics.

As far as the comics version is concerned, Carl is accidentally shot in the eye by Deanna (Douglas Monroe). Could season 6 adapt the same scene?

On whether this becomes the case or not remains to be seen though it won't be surprising to see Carl's character evolve alongside the mystery character Enid.

Season 6 of the Walking Dead premieres on AMC this October, a long way off with more rumors expected to come out on what to expect for the upcoming season.