WARC Head Addresses World Justice at Davos Forum

An ecumenical presence was observed in the World Social Forum as it closed on 31st January at Port Porto Alegre, Brazil. Similarly, Protestants were given the opportunity to voice their concerns from a Christian point of view in the World Economic Forum held in the same period in Davos, Switzerland.

While the political and financial elites of the world are gathered to discus the problems of the developing world and the need to rethink the debt burden carried by many poor countries, Open Forum Davos was organised by the Federation of Swiss Protestant Churches and Bread for all in Switzerland to challenge world economic justice and to create space for dialogue.

Speaking at the weekend at Open Forum Davos at the World Economic Forum, Rev. Dr. Setri Nyomi General Secretary of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC) urged Swiss economic and political leaders to make their country more of a leader for justice on the world stage.

Dating back in history, the fathers of the Reformed Church Ulrich Zwingli and John Calvin from Switzerland made justice one of their main purposes. Switzerland has showed the world the examples of church leaders who have seen their ministry not simply in narrow spiritual terms but also as instruments of creating more just societies, according to Rev Nyomi.

Even though Switzerland has been a great example to the world for bringing together different language groups and cultures and creating an egalitarian society, Rev Nyomi lamented that in recent years the Swiss have not lived up to that history.

"Even what is called development aid by government and private business is often tainted with unethical practices."

"With benefits to the Swiss banking system and other businesses, the Swiss have far too often turned a blind eye to an economic system that is impoverishing a large section of the world, especially in Africa, Latin America and Asia," he commented.

As the leader of the Reformed Churches worldwide, the Alliance has come up with a clear confession on the evil in the neo-liberal economic system at its recent General Council in Accra, Ghana.

The WARC leader said that a commitment to justice is non-negotiable.

"It is the duty of all to work for more just economic systems that will bring more life to all... This will not only benefit people in the Southern hemisphere but will also benefit those who suffer in Switzerland," he urged all Swiss to return to their historic justice values.

The WARC is a fellowship of 75 million Reformed Christians in 215 churches in 107 countries.