WARC 'Horrified' by Middle East Conflict

|PIC1|The World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC) has issued a statement on the escalating violence in the Middle East as Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora said Tuesday that he would press for an immediate halt of Israeli hostilities in Lebanon.

“A ceasefire must be reached,” said Siniora at a press conference discussing the crisis held in Rome Tuesday.

WARC released a statement on the situation in which it said it was “horrified” by the hostilities, loss of life, injuries and destruction in the Middle East and called for an “immediate” cessation of violent acts by all the parties involved, but particularly the violence taking place along the southern border of Lebanon.

“As followers of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, we are convinced that there are alternative ways of achieving justice and security in the region in order that all peoples there may be able to enjoy the fullness of life God intends for them,” read the statement.

WARC stressed that prisoners held by all sides had to be returned and that talks had to be held to secure a lasting peace within the region that could secure the rights of ordinary citizens regardless of nationality or faith.

|QUOTE|The alliance also called on the Israeli government to exercise judicious restraint and warned that a military response by Israel would only aggravate the situation and lead to further destruction of people and infrastructures.

“An escalation of violence threatens the whole region,” it said.

WARC called on governments around the world to play their part in bringing peace by supporting the call of the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan for an immediate cease-fire.

|TOP|The alliance also called on its own 75 million members to intervene with their governments by speaking out for peace and justice in the Middle East.

The statement read: “WARC continues to be saddened by the senseless loss of life in the Middle East. We offer our deepest sympathies to the families on all sides who have lost loved ones and we pray that they are truly comforted by God at this terrible time.

“We are deeply grieved by these losses and compelled to struggle even harder for peace and justice in our world especially in lands so treasured by so many as holy lands.

“For God’s sake and for the sake of all God’s peoples, stop the escalating violence throughout the Middle East.”