WARC Presents Young Evangelical Church Pastor with Lombard Prize

The World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC) has awarded the 2003-2004 Lombard Prize to a young pastor from Ghana at the church’s 64th Synod.

WARC general secretary Setri Nyomi and Executive Committee member Salome Twum presented Confidance Worlanyo Kwasi Bansah, a pastor of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, for his essay on “The Good Samaritan Today: Salvation, Solidarity and Mission,” with the prize on 25 August at Kadjebi in the Volta region of Ghana.

The Lombard Prize is given to a theological student or young pastor, and as an honour to Georges Lombard, the Geneva banker who served as WARC’s general treasurer from 1948 to 1970, his family will offer the prize along with the Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch Bank and WARC.

The presentation of the award was delayed until the WARC general secretary’s visit to Ghana this summer. Whilst in Ghana, Nyomi attended the 64th Synod of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana, and the Fifth General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana. He thanked both churches for hosting WARC’s 24th General Council last year.

During this visit, Nyomi emphasised the joy and depth of Ghanaian spirituality which the two churches shared with the whole Reformed family. He challenged the two churches to now progress further on the relationships built in the joint hosting of the WARC gathering.

“The way in which the Presbyterian Church, Ghana, and the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Ghana worked together to host the General Council was beautiful. It was a real sign of engaging in mission in unity and a foretaste of what could happen if all work together towards the vision of unity in our Lord Jesus Christ.

“I cannot help but wonder whether both churches should not use this as an occasion to move their relationship closer,” Nyomi said in his greetings to both churches. He added, “Can Presbyterian churches explore ways of engaging in mission and responding to Ghana’s challenges together?”

WARC is a fellowship of 218 Reformed churches in 107 countries with 75 million members.