Warcraft movie release date news: Film scheduled for launch June 2016

World of Warcraft Warlords of DraenorWikimedia Commons/Marco Verch

The Warcraft film is considered completed and will be hitting theaters in June 2016, according to the film's director Duncan Jones.

In an interview with iO9 at the San Diego Comic-Con on Wednesday (July 8), Jones spoke about the status of the movie, which he said was "pretty much a finished movie" with around "10 VFX shots" needed to complete it.

But fans can get a glimpse of what the movie is about with the new Warcraft trailer launched at the comics convention. More interestingly, the trailer gives viewers a virtual reality experience.

Legendary Pictures, the film producing company behind Warcraft, has collaborated with Google to develop a new app that offers virtual reality experiences from their upcoming films, which include Warcraft.

"I was obviously focused mainly on the film, but we discussed what kind of experience we could give the audience through VR," Jones told reporters, according to CNET.

In the trailer "Warcraft: The Skies of Azeroth," users can experience a 360-degree view from above Azeroth while riding on top of a gryphon, a common transport unit in Warcraft games.

This VR exploration will give fans the opportunity to get a feel of the cinematograph, something they should expect once the movie gets released.

The trailer is made to be compatible with Google Cardboard, the tech company's low-priced VR headset for smartphones.

A report from 9to5Google also said Google and Legendary was planning to distribute 50,000 units of Google Cardboard during the expo this week.

Google Cardboard VR headsetFlickr/Maurizio Pesce

The movie trailer can be viewed with Google Cardboard through the Legendary mobile phone app, which was released on Wednesday.

Those who don't have Google's VR headset can still enjoy the trailer, as it makes use of the phone's accelerometer to change views by just tilting the device.

The Warcraft theatrical release will feature Dominic Cooper (Captain America: The First Avenger) and Clancy Brown (Starship Troopers) as some of the actors. Gamespot also said Travis Fimmel (Vikings) would likewise appear in the movie as Lothar, savior of Azeroth.