Warren, Kirby to Share Experiences in New Christian Leadership Programme

Andy Peck, the famous UK Christian author and editor, will soon be launching a new radio programme later this month, featuring top Christian leaders sharing their experiences and advice on leadership. The new programme will be entitled ‘The Leadership File’, and will be broadcast on Premier Christian Radio.

|TOP|The thirty minute programme will be aired at 2pm on Sundays and is part of Premier Radio’s new look weekend schedule. It will feature special guests such as Baptist leader, and author of The Purpose Driven Life, Pastor Rick Warren, as well as the Chief Executive of the African and Caribbean Evangelical Alliance, Rev Katei Kirby.

Peck said, “My interest in leadership stems from time spent training student leaders, and serving as a church leader for seven years before joining Christianity magazine as deputy Editor. Work with the magazine has convinced me of the crucial role of good Christian leadership in seeing kingdom advances in all sectors of society.”

He continued, “I believe Christian leadership is not about saying a prayer over the latest leadership techniques, but comes from people moulded by Christ with a Spirit directed concern to influence those around them towards kingdom ends, wherever God places them.”

A number of new weekend programmes are set to be launched on Premier, which are looking to focus on conversations with various Christian leaders from churches, charities and companies.

|AD|The programmes will hope to draw out the experiences of the leaders’ lives in their positions and to share with listeners the lessons that they have learnt.

The Leadership File is set to be aired for the first time on Nov. 27th at 2pm and will include a discussion between Peck and Kurt Erickson, who is an experienced church planter in London.

It is hoped that the show will draw together all Christian leaders and those also in training in ministries, to listen and benefit from the programme.

Peck concludes, “If you divorce leadership from discipleship you have people who get things done, but to little spiritual benefit. Wed leadership and discipleship and you change the world for Christ.”

Also recently, Sandford St. Martin Trust awarded Premier Radio first prize for promoting excellence in religious broadcasting.

The winning programme, entitled ‘The Rainbow Through the Rain’ told the story of Geoffrey Mowat and his experiences as a prisoner of the Japanese in the Second World War, which influenced his decision to become a Priest.

Running up to Christmas, Premier has also announced that it has teamed up with the Disney Store to give £1000 worth of toys to a deserving crèche, nursery or childcare organisation this Christmas.

Premier Presenter Rick Easter said, “This is an ideal opportunity for a church crèche to distribute £1000 worth of toys to a childcare centre to refurbish their resources and encourage new members of the community to get involved in church activities.”

Disney is due to release their latest film, The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe, soon, which has been promoted as a 'Passion of the Christ for kids.' The film will be the first in a series of Disney releases based on the seven Narnia books, whose author C S Lewis was well known for his strong Christian convictions.

For more information on Premier Radio please visit its website at www.premier.org.uk