'Wasteland 3' release news: Game's crowdfunding campaign hits the target in three days

"Wasteland 3's" crowdfunding campaign started on October 5, 2016.inXile

Last month, inXile Entertainment announced their post-apocalyptic RPG "Wasteland 3," and ever since then the game has been attracting the attention of PC gamers. The game's third installment looks pretty good as it is playable in both single-player or multiplayer modes that allow players to control their party and travel through the cold climes of Colorado.

According to Game Rant, it seems that the game's introduction of a multiplayer mode had provided most of its fans the features they were looking for, and "Wasteland 3" was able to reach its crowdfunding goal at a surprisingly fast rate.

Originally, the goal of the crowdfunding campaign was at $2.75 million, but just within a span of three days about 14,000 backers were able to contribute to the campaign. As such, the funding has reached about $2.8 million as of now.

The campaign is far from being done, however, as there are still some stretch goals set by inXile for the "Wasteland 3" game. With only 25 more days to go, the developers are encouraging more players to back them up in order to get more features, some of which include 37 pieces of flair at the $2.85 million mark, a talking companion in a form of a car that helps players during combat in travel at $3 million, and customizable Ranger Squad Insignia at $3.1 million.

According to the Parent Herald, the car companion is called Morningstar, and its AI bot is there to assist President Reagan as well as the players with skills that ensure that each of its advice is well-informed, especially when it is time to eradicate the vicious commies out to get players.

The Ranger Squad Insignia will be featured at the beginning of the game, and all of the features will be visible not only on the Ranger's base but also on flags as well as other places in the game.