'Watch Dogs 2' news: New trailer reveals details of bonus pre-order mission

A promotional image for "Watch Dogs 2"Facebook/watchdogsgame

Game developer Ubisoft gave the players a glimpse of the pre-order mission bonus called the "Zodiac Killer" for its upcoming game sequel, "Watch Dogs 2."

Early takers of the game will find a bonus mission included when the game arrives next month. Marcus Holloway, the main character in the game will also try his skills in solving a good murder mystery. A matching Zodiac-themed outfit, a prison-orange outfit, will also allow Marcus to get into the character.

"An unwanted ghost of San Francisco's past has resurfaced after fifty years," its mission details from the trailer stated. The description added: "A killer is staging the bodies of his victims all over Oakland like the infamous Zodiac Killer of the Sixties, and he's taunting the police and news outlets with coded messages. Will you succeed in decrypting the messages and hunting down the copycat?"

The studio also boasts about the amount of freedom a player has to complete any given mission in the game. According to IGN, one can have the Aggressor-type attitude, in which the missions can be completed with a "GTA" style of gaming, with guns drawn. An individual can also opt to be like a Ghost that is not seen nor heard. Lastly, players can be Tricksters, where they can use Marcus' hacking ability to create chaos and divert the attention of people from the main target or objective.

Meanwhile, the voice actor behind Marcus, Ruffin Prentiss, spoke with Two Left Sticks and told them about the experience he had in making the game. He said "Watch Dogs 2" was not just a simple voice-over gig. He and other actors were indeed acting in front of a camera. It is just that the finished product does not show his real face, but a CGI one speaking with his real voice.

He also got into the complicated topic of cultural diversity. It is not common to have a lead African American in a game, and Prentiss stated that he "felt an immense responsibility and honor" to be a part of "Watch Dogs 2." He also added that people like Marcus exist in real life.

"Watch Dogs 2" will hit the shelves on Nov. 15 for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and Nov. 29 for the Windows PC.