'Watch Dogs 2' release date, news: Season pass details released; new trailer showcases title's San Francisco

A promotional image for "Watch Dogs 2"Ubisoft

Ubisoft has released two brand new trailers. One of which showcases the season pass and the content it will offer, and the other video clip reveals how the game's version of San Francisco was made. It is also important to note that the DLC content will be released on the PlayStation 4 first before it will be made available on the Xbox One and PC.

The first trailer (courtesy of the Playstation Blog) reveals the first three DLC expansions. "T-Bone Content Bundle" will be the first DLC that will roll out, launching this December for PS4. It will focus on the hacker known as Raymond "T-Bone" Kenney. It will also unlock the Mayhem co-op difficulty in which enemies now come equipped with advanced weaponry.

"Human Conditions" is the second DLC, and this will focus on giving brand new missions surrounding three different storylines. New co-op missions are going to be added, and a new enemy, the Jammer, will be introduced. This enemy type has the technology to hunt and track the players.

The last DLC included in the season pass is called "No Compromise." This DLC will pit Marcus with the Russian mafia and will add the co-op mode called "Showdown," where only the best players will survive.

It is also noted that those who get the season pass prior to the game's launch will be able to unlock two Day One content. The first is titled "Root Access Bundle," and the other is the "Psychedelic Pack." These locked content will allow players to gain more outfits to customize how Marcus looks. It will also bring in a special mission.

The season pass is included with the Gold Edition of the game, and it can also be purchased separately for $39.99.

In the second trailer, the developers reveal that they wanted to create a living world that continues to thrive even when the player is not actively interacting with the NPCs.

"It's really important at first to create a city that feels alive. We speak a lot in 'Watch Dogs 2' about the world being a simulation and that's really the fundamental aspect of it. We wanted the world to be non-player essential, meaning it will live without you being there. And once you go there, it's a place to discover, live in, and play," explained director Danny Belanger.

"Watch Dogs 2" launches on the PS4 and Xbox One on Nov. 15 and on Nov. 29 for the PC.