'Watch Dogs 2' release date, news: Ubisoft to remove sensitive image found in action-adventure game

A promotional image for "Watch Dogs 2."Ubisoft

"Watch Dogs 2" may have landed just a couple of days ago, but the sequel has already had quite a tumultuous experience when a player shared a screenshot of an explicit image from the game.

A Twitter user with the handle @swizzasaur took to the social media platform earlier this week to post a screenshot of the action-adventure game featuring sensitive material. Apparently, a lady who is on the floor has her genitalia exposed, making it quite a controversial graphic from the game. Once the gamer posted the picture, he garnered massive recognition so much so that it reached Sony who in turn banned him from playing the title for a week.

Obviously, the player was quite unhappy with the development given that he merely uploaded the photo and continued tweeting about it. He got some support from fellow gamers and some even started questioning Sony's policies regarding cases like this.

In an unusual turn of events, however, the supposed week-long suspension was lifted just two days after the debacle but @swizzasaur claimed that Sony never admitted their fault on the matter.

In light of this, game developer Ubisoft released a statement acknowledging the matter. They also apologized for the said slip and promised to be more careful next time.

"We're aware that one of the NPC models in Watch Dogs 2 is rendered in a way that is particularly explicit. While Watch Dogs 2 is a mature-rated game, we apologize and will update this NPC model to make it more consistent with other NPC models in the game in a patch to be released this week. We also are working with our first-party partners to ensure that players can continue to play and share all content from the game within the bounds of the first parties' respective codes of conduct," they said.

Interestingly, in @swizzasaur's tweets, he made it clear that he has no beef with Ubisoft. Instead, his gripes are mostly geared towards Sony. He also added that despite this commotion, he has no problems with "Watch Dogs 2" even saying that it is a worthy purchase.

"Watch Dogs 2" is currently available on major consoles PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. PC users, on the other hand, will be able to get their hands on it on Nov. 29.