'Watch Dogs 2' release date, updates: drone, enemy tagging and more showcased in latest video

A promotional image for "Watch Dogs 2"Ubisoft

"Watch Dogs 2" is set to improve upon the features that the first game introduced, allowing players to choose between completing missions with brute strength and gunplay or by staying in the shadows and hacking. A brand new video clip showcases the latter and how much it has been improved for the sequel.

The video, courtesy of IGN, features creative director Jonathan Morin as he takes control of the main protagonist Marcus and guides the viewer through one of the main missions. In this mission, Morin showcases some of the new tools that Marcus can use in order to hack and lay out traps.

One of the first new features he reveals is a drone quadcopter. This drone can tag enemies, similar to how they can be tagged in the "Far Cry" games, and it can even be used to set traps that can temporarily disable enemies. It can give Marcus a better look around and within a facility, and an IED can even be attached to it to turn it into an explosive.

Morin also explains that the drone can access all of the tools and hacking abilities Marcus can do since Marcus is the one controlling it in the shadows. At one point in the video, Morin uses the drone in conjunction with a remote-controlled car called the Jumper to see the interiors of the target facility and find Marcus' main objective.

The drone is then used to create a distraction by calling rival gang members to attack the guards. During this distraction, Morin resumed control of Marcus and made him run towards the main facility. In one section, the video also reveals that puzzles are integrated directly into the environments, and the Jumper and drone can be used to solve them at a distance.

"Watch Dogs 2" will roll out for the PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on Nov. 15.