Water stunt raises money for Methodist charity

An MRDF trustee completed a four-mile walk with a full bucket of water on his head in April to raise awareness of - and funds for - one of the charity’s local partners in Uganda.

John Hindson, who attends Stapleford Methodist Church in Nottingham, walked from his home in Stapleford to the Methodist District Synod meeting in Beeston on 23 April – a journey which took him an hour-and-a-half.

He was met by the national President of the Methodist Church, Rev David Gamble, and Vice-President Richard Vautrey. John wanted to draw attention to the people in Uganda who have to walk for hours to collect water for their families.

Hindson, a retired industrial chemist, said: "People in Uganda and other parts of the world are doing this kind of thing every day because they have to. On the walk several people asked me what I was doing, so I told them. I hope it made them think."

He has raised about £200 for MRDF’s water and sanitation project in Uganda, which is working with communities in the Wakiso District, supporting them to build wells, hand pumps, toilets and dish-drying racks, as well as encouraging community members to adopt safe hygienic behaviours, such as hand-washing.

Building hand pumps reduces the distance community members (mainly women and children) have to travel to collect water, which can often be five kilometres or more.