WCC General Secretary’s Asia-Pacific Visit Itinerary

On Monday 5th July, the General Secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Rev Dr Samuel Kobia, will go on a tour around the Asia-Pacific regions. This will mark his first trip since he officially took up the current post.

In around 10 days, the WCC General Secretary will visit three countries namely Hong Kong, Australia and Fiji. At the first stop in Hong Kong, the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) will organise a reception where Rev Kobia will meet church and ecumenical leaders. In celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, the Hong Kong Christian Council (HKCC) has scheduled year-long celebrations. Rev Kobia will address on “The Ecumenical Movement and Youth” for the youth leaders. Separate meetings with HKCC staff and CCA leaders are scheduled.

While Hong Kong is now under the gloom of political and social chaos, Rev Kobia may also meet with Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa to give notes of encouragement.

Leaving on 7th July, Kobia will spend time with refugees and asylum-seekers at the Immigration Reception and Processing Centre in Baxter, as well as staying with an Aboriginal community in Port Augusta as soon as he arrives in Australia on 8th July.

Nevertheless, his main purpose is to attend the 2004 Triennial National Forum of the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) held in Adelaide. Rev Kobia will speak on “The global church - challenges and celebrations” on the forum. Later, he will preach at the Anglican Cathedral and meet with the leaders of WCC member churches in Australia.

On 12 July, Rev Kobia is expected to arrive at the last stop of his trip, Fiji, where he will focus on HIV/AIDS issue on the Pacific. Leaders from all 18 WCC member churches in the Pacific, as well as Pacific Conference of Churches member churches, and the national councils of churches of the Pacific region will give presentations on the Pacific Church Leaders’ Consultation. Rev Kobia is to address on “Ecumenism in the twenty-first century and challenges for the Pacific churches”, in particular presenting to the leaders about the impact of HIV/AIDS in the region. A later meeting with people living with HIV/AIDS is scheduled.

Other than the conference, Kobia will visit the Pacific Theological College and give a public lecture on the WCC 9th assembly theme, “God, in your grace, transform the world”. The whole Asia-Pacific region trip will end on 15th July.