WCC Head Offers Support for Reform to New UN Secretary General

The World Council of Churches (WCC) General Secretary Rev Dr Samuel Kobia has sent a letter of congratulations to the South Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki-Moon on his election on 13 October as the United Nations Secretary General.

In the letter Kobia notes the Korean's "rich experience" as an international diplomat and civil servant, and ensures him of the Council's prayer and support.

In particular, it was emphasised that reform of the United Nations was an "important task" that the new UN head would face.

The international community is concerned about "the urgency of carrying out these reforms" that will "no doubt receive your urgent attention and action," Kobia says in his 16 October letter.

The WCC general secretary reports that at its meeting in Brazil last February the WCC's principal governing body, the Assembly, called for "the ongoing participation of civil society organisations and faith communities in the work of the UN [...] as a means of encouraging transparency and accountability as well as of availing itself of essential expertise and information".