WCC writes to US member Churches regarding Presidential Elections

The WCC general secretary, Dr Samuel Kobia has written to the WCC members in their USA member churches in relation to the US presidential election race, which was concluded on 2nd November as George Bush gained victory to serve a second term at the White House. In the correspondence, Kobia assured the US churches of the encouragement and support of the churches worldwide as “the choice of the US president is a great concern not only to the people of the USA but also to people across the world.”

In the letter Kobia stated that the view to be taken was not to look at whose side God was on during this election, but rather to seek to be found on God’s side.

“We hope that all people of faith may discern with the help of God’s spirit what is good for the world” and that the churches can act as “a moral and spiritual compass for their community, their nation and the world,” said Kobia.

The letter stated, “We ask God's grace and peace for you and for the person who will finally be chosen as leader of your country. We send this letter to encourage and support you in these important times, and to renew our fellowship in the unity of the Holy Spirit and in the bonds of peace.”

The letter expressed the anxiousness felt by the whole world at who would be chosen to lead the hugely influential country for the next four-year term, “The choice of the US president is of great concern not only to the people of the USA but also to people across the world. Though we are confident that God’s Holy Spirit, the advocate and comforter, is with us, many people in the world today confess to feeling afraid for the future. People feel fear of terrorism, fear of old struggles newly re-branded as terrorism, and fear of fear itself in the service of great power.”

It continued, “Yet this letter is not about fear. It commends God’s all-embracing grace and peace to you, in faith and with goodwill.”

“Many people have watched the US closely in recent months, with great interest in how churches shape a powerful nation’s stance toward the world. The harsh claims that make most of the headlines, that invoke the judgement of a partisan God, have provoked deep concern around the world.”

“As fellow citizens of the world, we wish you peace. Half a century ago, with US leadership, an international community convinced of the need for change, gave birth to the United Nations, to the UN Charter, to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to the Geneva Convention, and much more. The shared purpose then was to secure peace and promote human security. At that time, churches and their members added greatly to the process and did not go unheard. They served as a moral conscience for their time.”

“Today, too, people all over the world recognise what the US can offer. By being a country open to newcomers of different cultures and creeds. By trusting the rule of law. By supporting democracy and the freedom of speech. By being ready to take action when the international community, through the United Nations, asks for US participation and leadership. By being generous to those in need. By addressing the root causes of poverty and social injustice, within the US as well as globally. As churches, we are asked to be involved and contribute to such political directions.”

“The WCC member churches in the US have been active in forming the mind of the ecumenical movement throughout its history. As a worldwide family of more than 340 churches, we share with each other and with the wider world the privilege of living for a purpose deeper than economic success and working for goals greater than national security.”

The letter concluded, “On this third day of November, 2004, we pray that we may answer the challenges before us in faith and in love, together.”