WCC Young Theologians Request more Meaningful Perspective to Theology

Nine young theologians were given the chance to shine at the World Council of Churches Faith and Order plenary commission in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 5th August. The “younger theologians” came from different continents and confessional families, but all expressed their pleasure at seeing theological studies on such varied issues such as gender and sexuality as well as classic studies on baptism and ecclesiology.

The young theologians, all aged between 25 and 37, expressed their desire to see a more clear connection between theological formations and ethical implications so that a more meaningful perspective could be delivered to local communities.

"We are afraid that all these theological formulations go to waste if not integrated to the realities of our lives," the younger theologians said in their statement.

Receiving one another as an expression of hospitality was a primary theme of discussions. On this subject the young theologians said, “Receive one another, just as Christ has received you, for the glory of God". The youthful participants questioned whether enough time had been spent in the meeting to explore the idea that receiving our own identity, in itself, was a precious gift from God.

However, what was expressed strongly by the young theologians, was that instead of looking too closely at our own identities, such as “Orthodox” or “Protestant”, the focus should be more on what we can receive from God and from each other.

The group said it “welcomes further exploration into the notion of unity we so often invoke. The quest for unity is not a choice we are free to make. It is an imperative for all Christians. While the reality of visible unity may continue to elude us, we refuse the temptation to be discouraged and remain committed to the journey towards Christian unity however long and unpredictable it may be."

The Faith and Order plenary, which has been described as the most ‘comprehensive theological forum in Christendom’ and began on July 28, will close on August 6, 2004