WCC’s Executive Committee to meet in Korea for First Time

The World Council of Churches (WCC) executive committee will meet in Seoul, Korea from 24th – 27th August 2004. The life of the churches and the ecumenical movement in the country will be the focus for discussions.

However, the WCC general secretary will visit Korean churches before the meeting takes place, from 18th – 20th August 2004. Sandwiched between these two events will also be a unique programme for WCC executive committee members, which will be held from 21st – 23rd August 2004.

Discussions will cover a wide range of topics, but particular focus will be given to ‘peace and reconciliation’ between the divided areas of Korea, which the WCC have discussed extensively for decades. The central dialogue on this topic will be on a statement by the executive committee on Korea.

Others areas of international concern will be discussed by the committee also, including events in Somalia, Zimbabwe and Sudan. Applications for membership from several churches will also be discussed along with amendments to the membership rules that have been proposed.

A review will take place regarding the WCC’s Pacific office, and a progress report will be examined on relations with partner organisations. With the WCC’s 9th Assembly due to take place in Brazil in February 2006, the committee will also set aside time to continue preparation works.

The executive committee will be using a “consensus method” of decision making for the decision-making at the gathering, and this new methodology of work will continue to be applied now at all major WCC meetings.

WCC’s Dr Kobia to Visit member churches in Korea

From the 18th to 20th August, the WCC’s general secretary Rev Samuel Kobia will tour around the WCC member churches in Korea, and will enter into a series of discussions with their church leaders and congregations.

During the special programme that follows, from 21st to 23rd August, there will be visits to the demilitarised zones between North and South Korea. The visit will be available for members of the executive committee to undertake. Also included in the programme, there will be worship in local church communities, as well as a reception by the National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK), and the Korean ministry of culture.

The President of the Republic of Korea, H.E. Roh Moo-hyun is also likely to host an event with a live audience.

Beginning on 23rd August the NCCK will organise a seminar on the future of ecumenism, and this will be addressed by members of the WCC leadership team.

For the executive committee, the WCC and the NCCK will co-host the event. Representing the WCC will be four member churches including; the Anglican Church of Korea, the Korean Methodist Church, the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea, and the Presbyterian Church of Korea.

The executive committee is the highest governing body between the gatherings of the WCC central committee. It usually meets twice a year, and 25 members make up the committee.

Programme highlights:

18 August
16:00 WCC general secretary gives press conference at Korea Christian Building

20 August
09:20 WCC general secretary visits the Christian Broadcasting System and gives an interview

21 August
Morning: WCC general secretary attends the North East Asia church leaders' meeting at the Centennial Building

22 August
09:00 WCC executive committee members visit local churches

18:30 Welcome reception (hosted by NCCK )

23 August
09:30 International Forum on New Vision and Challenges to Ecumenism in the 21st Century (80th anniversary celebration of NCCK)

16:00 Visit to office of South and North Dialogue

17:20 Welcome reception (hosted by minister of culture and tourism)

24 August
16:00 Visit to the Blue House (presidential office)

27 August
14:00 WCC leadership give a press conference at Korea Christian Building