Christians in the UK are calling on the Government to take tougher action to stop harmful climate change.
The Christian Climate Action group (CCA) will be holding a non-violent protest in front of the Houses of Parliament in London on October 31 to demand that the Government declare a state of emergency on climate change.
CCA wants the Government to take steps towards a zero carbon economy by 2025 and set up a national assembly comprising members of the public to decide on what a zero carbon future might look like.
The group said zero carbon targets were not possible in the current global market economy, which is expected to double in size over the next two decades, and that instead a completely new economic model was needed.
CCA said it will begin a 'non-violent rebellion' if the Government does not agree to the demands by November 12.
CCA member Fr Martin Newell said: 'We are crucifying God's earth, creating ongoing climate change that will cause disasters that would completely undermine any practical good work otherwise done. As a Christian I am called to act in solidarity with the crucified, and witness to God's sacrificial love for His people and His creation.'
Fellow CCA member Phil Kingston said there was 'very little time left' to limit the 'enormous dangers' facing the planet.
'None of the main political parties are responding with the level of ambition which is essential if we are to respond with the necessary commitment and sacrifice,' he said.
Minister for energy and clean growth, Claire Perry, recently asked the Committee on Climate Change to clarify what level UK greenhouse gases should be by 2050 and how these targets should be achieved as an 'appropriate contribution' to limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees.
The Church of England's lead bishop for environmental affairs, Nicholas Holtam, welcomed the move as a 'sensible response to our changing and very pressing circumstances'.
'It is more and more obvious that climate change needs our urgent attention,' he said.
Last week's report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) outlined the threat to the planet if global warming is not limited to 1.5C. Alarmingly, the report warned that greenhouse gas emissions would need to fall by 45 per cent by 2030 to stay on track to meet that target.
Bishop Holtam added, 'The recent IPCC report helpfully summarised the implications of what we know and the need to pick up the pace and ambition of our response.'