We Belong to Jesus is the next praise resource for kids coming out from New Life Worship Kids.
The CD/DVD resource releases via Integrity Music on January 14 as part of the Colorado-based church's Shout Praises Kids series.
It features Jared Anderson and the vioces of more than 135 kids led by choir director Amanda Ferrin.
The album has 11 high-energy praise songs of faith and worship for kids of all ages. Lyric videos can be found on the companion DVD with optional sing-along split and stereo tracks with background vocals and instrumental ideal for use in kids choirs.
Tracks on the album include worship favorites as "We Belong", "Strong God", "Counting On God", and "Light of Salvation".
"I absolutely loved joining New Life Worship Kids leading our congregation in the worship experience captured on We Belong to Jesus," says Anderson, New Life Church worship leader and writer of such worship anthems as "Great I Am", "Rescue" and "Amazed".
"A whole bundle of beautiful moments and memories come with this and I pray they transfer and encourage this same intention in homes and gatherings around the world."
Anderson, who wrote some of the tracks on We Belong to Jesus, continues, "My prayer is that our homes become houses of worship and that our families know how to lead one another by engaging in original, wholehearted awe of God. This project is a rehearsal tape for our heaven performance. I hope it serves well."
New Life Church worship pastor and Desperation Band member Jon Egan, penned four of the songs featured on We Belong to Jesus.
Egan says, "As a young father, there are moments that sneak up on me and take me to another place. One of those moments is when I randomly find my kids singing God songs. They could be building forts or eating breakfast, and I hear the sound of worship coming from their lips. It is in those times that I remember not only my highest calling, but of God's greatness."