WEA Applauds US Sanctions on Sudan, Urges Multinational Action

The International Director of World Evangelical Alliance, Geoff Tunnicliffe has responded to US President George Bush's announcement for sanctions on Sudan on Tuesday to help put an end to the conflict in the country's Darfur region.

Experts say more than 400,000 people have died and 2.5 million displaced since fighting broke out in 2003.

"We applaud the US decision to impose unilateral sanctions on Sudan," said Tunnicliffe. "However, strong words also must be backed up with immediate action."

The sanctions will ban 31 Sudanese companies owned or controlled by Sudan's government from using the US banking systems. The sanctions also bar three Sudanese individuals from doing business with US companies or banks.

In addition, Bush has also directed Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to draft a UN resolution for multinational sanctions on the Sudanese government and individuals violating human rights or hindering the peace process.

It is hoped that with greater US economic pressure, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir will finally allow more UN peacekeeping troops into Darfur to help the under-funded and overstretched African Union troops to stop the violence.

"The US must also engage its allies and the United Nations to impose sanctions a well. It is my hope that at the G8 leadership summit in Germany Darfur will be high on the agenda," said Tunnicliffe, who spoke at the largest US Darfur peace rally in Washington last year.

"The Sudanese government must bring an end to the bloodshed now. The people of Darfur have already waited too long for genocide to be stopped. I am asking Christians around the world to pray and act on behalf of the suffering people of Darfur."