WEA Appoints New Executive Director of Theological Commission

The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) has announced the appointment of Rev Dr David Parker as the new Executive Director of its Theological Commission (TC), succeeding Dr Rolf Hille, who has stepped down to become the Chairman of the Board.

Dr Parker, a resident of Australia, has been serving the Commission for over 20 years as a member, study group participant, administrator, and editor. As the Executive Director, he will take on the role of the day-to-day management and running of the Commission, and he will continue to serve as the editor of various publications including the theological journal.

WEA has also expressed its deep gratitude to Dr Hille for his commitment to the role since 1996 and his contributions to the WEA community in various capacities.

"We are deeply grateful to Dr Rolf Hille for his dual role of chairing the Theological Commission and serving as its Executive Director," said the WEA International Director Dr Geoff Tunnicliffe in his message sent from Thailand.

"We are also very thankful that Dr David Parker has agreed to take on the Executive Director role. David is a wonderful servant and will provide excellent day-to-day oversight of the important work of our Theological Commission."

Speaking on the responsibility being handed over to him in his new role, Dr Parker said, "Everywhere I go and in my contacts with people in different parts of the world, I find that there is wide appreciation for the Theological Commission and its importance. So I realise how crucial its work is and the responsibility placed on me and its members."

Dr Parker desires to build on this base and focus developing the Commission in multiple ways - develop existing study units and task forces as well as create new ones, extend the range of publications, and in particular, link more closely with national alliances and theological groups, and also with the WEA leadership team.

Another area to be developed is the Global Membership scheme by which any person, seminary, church or mission and national fellowship are able to join their work on the basis of an annual membership. According to Dr Parker, the Commission has been greatly encouraged by the number, quality and interest of those who have already participated with them.

"As we build up the 2008 General Assembly, we want to find additional members from various parts of the world to fill vacancies on the Commission," said Dr Parker. "We also want to transition the TC leadership to a younger generation who will be able to take it forward into the future."