Welsh call to vote in European elections

“Exercise your democratic right to vote” is the message of leaders of the Presbyterian Church of Wales to the Welsh people ahead of next month’s European elections.

“The European Parliament is the only European institution that we can directly elect and those elected will be making far-reaching decisions affecting us in Wales, Europe and in the world,” said Rev Haydn Thomas, Moderator of the Church.

“We all have a chance now to raise issues about the environment, poverty and social dignity, migration and refugee protection and peace and development. These are matters of deep concern to the church and they affect whole communities.”

The election will be held across Europe from 4 to 7 June and is the largest transnational election in history, with 736 Members of the European Parliament being elected by people in 27 states.

The Presbyterian Church of Wales is a member of the Conference of European Churches, which has urged its members all over Europe to question candidates and to go out and vote, in order to ensure the strongest representation possible.

The Rev Ifan Roberts, General Secretary, added: “All our fourteen presbyteries, that is, regional governing bodies, have received a copy of CEC’s booklet on the European elections.

"It doesn’t tell them who to vote for but it does encourage our members to look hard at what the different candidates are promising on crucial issues such as the environment and social justice, and to vote accordingly.”

The Presbyterian Church of Wales has over 30,000 members in more than 700 churches, as well as strong links with churches abroad. Its purpose is to worship God and spread the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.