Welsh Christians and Muslims to tackle social tensions

Christians and Muslims in Wales will come together for a two-day consultation this weekend aimed at strengthening relations and preventing religious extremism and discrimination.

The meeting is the eighth to be held as part of the Finding A Common Voice consultation launched in 2007 by the Church in Wales and the Muslim Council of Wales.

This weekend’s meeting will focus on improving community cohesion and preventing the spread of intolerance, isolation and marginalisation by extremist parties like the BNP and Welsh Defence League.

Speakers include the Bishop of St Asaph, the Rt Rev Gregory Cameron, Islamic scholar, Dr Abdalla Yassin Mohammed, and Joanne Glenn, chair of the WAG Community Cohesion Unit.

Bishops’ adviser on church and society, the Rev Canon Robin Morrison, said it was important that the meeting tackled the awkward questions.

“The aim of this event is to explore in greater depth the implication of social cohesion policies for these two faith communities in Wales and we are very pleased that the Assembly is working in partnership with us.

“It is particularly appropriate that we will be at St Deniol’s Library, which was founded by Gladstone and is developing its Islamic studies. Gladstone would have approved of attempts to bridge the gap between Islam and Christianity and encourage an open and inclusive dialogue about difficult social issues.”

Saleem Kidwai, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Wales, said, “Community cohesion in Wales, generally, and North Wales, especially, was highlighted as an issue when the Welsh Defence League made an attempt in Wrexham to create disunity among the communities.

“The manner in which all communities stood together as one gave a clear message to WDL that in Wales we are one nation and together we stand. The same was demonstrated by the communities in Newport and Swansea. This is something we must hold onto.

“St Deiniol's Library with its Islamic section is a very positive step forward for creating better understanding and awareness of the two biggest faith communities so it is highly appropriate that this consultation should be held there.”