Welsh Mothers' Union takes to the road

A group once renowned as the "tea-making arm of the church" is reaching out across the world to promote family life.

The Mothers' Union - which now welcomes men as members -showcased its work at a packed out Roadshow in Cardiff last Thursday.

The Roadshow in Cardiff was one of seven across the UK and Ireland taking news of the Mothers' Union's charitable work to a wider audience. The theme of the afternoon was Time for Relationship.

Presentations and videos showed how Mothers' Union programmes across the world are supporting family life, educating communities and breaking down barriers of poverty and stigma.

Mothers' Union Chief Executive, Reg Bailey, who will interview Welsh Mothers' Union President Mary Salmon at the Cardiff Roadshow, said, "Our new logo, Christian Care for Families, is not just a strapline, but a vital outreach work of our members.

"We want to encourage more people to get involved with issues affecting families, and to Reach Out with effective support via Mothers' Union.

"Building a relationship of encouragement of members and awareness of our work will help us support many more families in the future."

Ms Salmon said, "Our work with families has never been more important than it is today and we are grateful for the dedication of our members. This special event will highlight the Mothers' Union projects in many parts of the world which help and support families and communities."

Also at the event was Bridgend MP Madeleine Moon, who is a 'virtual' member of the Mothers' Union. She said, "The energy and dynamism of the Mothers' Union helps change the lives of families across the world.

"From working with prisoners and their families in the UK to tackling the effects of famine and floods in the developing world you find the Mother's Union in action.

"The tea making arm of the church has moved on to tackling real life problems."