Westminster Abbey to Commemorate Bicentenary of Slave Abolition

Westminster Abbey is marking the bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act with three free events in March.

The first event will be held Monday 19 March at 6.15pm in St Margaret's Church, Westminister Abbey. A lecture entitled 'Olaudah Equiano, Black Abolitionist' will be led by Professor Vincent Carretta, Author and Associate Chair of the Department of English, University of Maryland.

The following day at 6pm in Cheyneygates, Westminster Abbey, Rev Dr Nicholas Sagovsky, Canon of Westminster, will lecture on 'The Abbey and the Abolition of the Slave Trade'.

A special service of commemoration will open with the Grey Coat Hospital Gospel Choir and Westminster City School Drummers will be held in the Westminster Abbey on Sunday 25 March at 6.30pm.

In addition to the events marking the bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act, a movie that traces the decades-long struggle of abolitionist William Wilberforce to end the African slave trade in the British Empire will premiere 23 March.

Amazing Grace is an inspiring account of the political, spiritual, and personal struggles of the abolitionist movement, and the defining moments in Wilberforce's life that compelled him to advocate for those suffering under slavery.