Westminster Cathedral Lectures Explore the Christian Roots of Europe

A series of lectures held every Wednesday evening at London's landmark Westminster Cathedral will aim to inspire UK Christians to re-live the Christian roots that have been set in Europes history.

Hosted by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster, six leaders - experts in religion and politics - have been invited to give the lectures. The lectures will focus on the big questions in Christian faith in relation to public life faced by Europe in today's society.

The Irish President, Mary McAleese will address the theme "Growing up in Europe", while Christopher Lord Patten of Barne, Chancellor of Oxford University will explore "Europe in the wider world". The famous singer and humanitarian activist Sir Bob Geldof, will talk about "Europe in Solidarity" based on his experience in supporting relief work in Africa and the Third World.

On the other hand, leaders from the Catholic Church will discuss the challenges faced by European Churches. Jean Vanier, Founder of L’Arche, will lecture on "Hope in Europe". "The Christian contribution to Europe" is to be explained by Fr Timothy Radcliffe, the former master general of the Dominicans. Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, Archbishop of Westminster, will talk about "The Church in Europe".

The overall direction of the lecture series will explore themes such as hope, solidarity, and faith; how human relationships can best flourish; and how Europe can serve the wider interests of the world.

In the midst of a widespread secularisation, declining ethics and the rising tension between different religions and races, churches in Europe should be leading the drive to protect Christian values. In Europe, where once Christianity flourished and influenced many lives, it is now time for it to rediscover its roots.

Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, Archbishop of Westminster, explained the idea behind the lectures. The European Catholic Bishops Conference held in Rome in 1999 concluded that Europe’s Christian root should be recovered and strengthened.

In Pope John Paul II's exhortation on Europe, Ecclesia in Europa written in 2003, he said, "Be yourself. Rediscover your origins. Relive your roots."

The Pope wrote about the precious unity underpinning European nations, the loss of Europe's Christian memory, break-up of society and the weakening of solidarity.

One of the upcoming lectures by Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor will reveal his visions for the changing shape of the Church in Europe, and what the future holds.

The lectures promises to be uplifting as well as challenging. Some will be published in newspapers and magazines, and they will later be published as a book.

Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor wrote in the leaflet advertising the lectures, "We are living in an enlarged and enlarging Europe and it seems to me that we need to be more aware of the importance of Christianity in our European heritage, and, more importantly, in the Europe we wish to build in future."

The lectures will run from 13th April to 25th May every Wednesday evening 7:00pm at Westminster Cathedral. Admission is free but by ticket only. Tickets are available on request by calling 020 7798 9180 or email lectures2005@rcdow.org.uk.