What does the Bible say about divorce? Is divorce acceptable in God's eyes if I have a valid reason?


In the United States alone, 40 to 50 percent of marriages end in divorce. According to the American Psychology Association, the divorce rate is even higher for subsequent marriages. The numbers do not lie, and it is obvious that divorce has become a major problem in today's society. But, what does the Bible say about divorce? Is this acceptable given a valid reason?

A Vow to Uphold

Matthew 12:36 says, "You shall be careful to perform what goes out from your lips, just as you have voluntarily vowed to the Lord your God what you have promised." Jesus said that "every careless word that men shall speak, they shall render account for it in the day of judgment."

A marriage is a covenant. Both husband and wife took a vow to uphold a sacred obligation to God. This vow was made in front of God. It is a sealed deal, well, it was.

In modern times, divorce has become the primary solution for married couples who want to dissolve the marriage. Basically, they're breaking the vow they made before the Lord. They have defiled the covenant they entered.

There is Purpose

Matthew 9:5-6 says, "... 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let man not separate."

There are reasons why God allowed the covenant of marriage, and those who seek divorce must always remember the purpose. The first is because man is made from God's image. This means that whatever you do, your actions must be to glorify God. Turning on your vows will certainly not glorify Him.

Another reason why marriage is important is that it is through this marriage that a family will be created. God wants married couples to create a godly legacy, where children will also grow closer to God.

Lastly, marriage gives a man and woman companionship. In Genesis chapter 2, God said that it isn't good for man to be alone, which was why women were made.

Divorce is Ordained by Man

There is no verse in the Bible showing God ordained divorce or even allows it. This is completely man's doing. If you're having marriage problems, hold on. Do not break your vows just yet. Seek help from a church pastor you trust and respect. He will hear you out and will still keep you grounded in biblical principles during these trying times.

Also, this isn't the time to wander by yourself. You need your church, community, and God above all else. Turn to them and seek support. Cry out to the Lord and lift up your problems to Him. Be patient in letting God rebuild your marriage. Trust that He will help you.

Marriage problems are not uncommon. Choosing to divorce isn't uncommon, too. Nowadays, what's more suprising is hearing a married couple choose to work things out and honor the vow they've made. Don't be afraid to seek help, and don't hesitate to cry out to God. He is the Builder and a Miracle Worker. You have to have faith that God will help your marriage.