What is former President Barack Obama doing now?

Featured in the image is former US President Barack ObamaReuters/Larry Downing

Barack and Michelle Obama have tried to keep a low profile since their exit. Rumors are going around that some are asking him to step up into the political realm once more. For the meantime, however, their family is spending their time together after eight years in the White House.

Both he and his wife, Michelle, have gotten book deals with Penguin Random House in February, which is reportedly worth $65 million. The former president will allegedly go to the island of Tetiaroa, which was once owned by Hollywood actor Marlon Brando, to write his book, a memoir of his experiences as a president of the United States. According to Bustle, some of the money from the deal will be donated to The Obama Foundation.

In the months following their departure from the White House, the couple were spotted beach hopping within and outside the United States. The former president even tried kite surfing with Richard Branson in Moskito Island, which is owned by the latter and found in the British Virgin Islands.

After their vacation, they are now said to be working on building a presidential library. Michelle has also made a few public appearances since their return from their vacation, visiting public schools within Washington D.C.

They chose to reside in Washington D.C., renting a home in Kalorama, so that Sasha, the younger Obama daughter, will be able to complete her high school education. She is expected to graduate in 2019. Malia, meanwhile, is currently working as an intern for the Weinstein Film Company. She and her father recently watched "The Price" on Broadway.

Their hands-on parenting style has brought in a lot of praises, even back when they were still in the White House. Former Vice President Al Gore said in an interview with The Washington Post, "People admire and respect the decision that Barack and Michelle Obama made as parents to minimize the disruption to their children."