What to do when church lets you down


We will be let down by many things and people. And it hurts even more when we are let down by those we didn't expect. In particular, I'm talking about the church.

I recently read a heart-wrenching article about a fellow believer and his family being let down by the church. I started thinking that this kind of thing happens to many believers around the world. I heard stories of other church members and leaders being let down by their own brothers and sisters in the local church. Some of these beloved people end up leaving their churches in search of a place where they can be welcomed and loved, but sadly end up not finding any.

Yes, brothers and sisters, this kind of letdown happens.

What to do when it happens

Friends, it doesn't feel good when this kind of sad thing happens. When these events happen, we tend to think why Christians are so different from the Christ we all profess to confess and pursue. Oh yes, we wonder why.

Have you ever been in a situation like this? Then let me encourage you with some things that you can and should do when church lets you down.

1. Realise that it's not the end of your story

The Bible says that God is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. If ever you were thrown out or alienated from your church, you need to realise that maybe God has declared the end of that chapter of your life. This simply means that you are going into another season. God is in control of what's happening in your life, and He's making His plans for you come to pass in time (see Ecclesiastes 3:11).

2. Forgive all who offended you

See the story as it really happened. How were you treated? What actually happened? Usually, because we are hurt we tend to get our eyesight blurred – we cannot see with the right perspective. To deal with this, you need to let go of the hurt by forgiving those who hurt you (see Matthew 6:14-15; Colossians 3:13; Romans 12:20).

I tell you that it's not an easy thing to do, but forgiving your offenders will be the most freeing act you can do for yourself. It's like an in-grown toenail that needs to be taken out: The toenail cuts through your toe, and needs to be taken out via a painful, anaesthesia-free procedure so that your toe won't be damaged any longer. The process hurts, but the effects are tremendously comforting and freeing.

3. Move on

Just like how God called Samuel to stop mourning for king Saul, stand up and anoint young David as King. We all have to move beyond our mourning period to see the new day that God has for us. Learn your lessons, grow closer to the Lord through the ordeal, and move on.

God wants us to look forward to tomorrow (see Isaiah 43:18-19). He has greater plans for all of us, and we should hope in the Lord for all of our days.