What to do when you are unsure if your profession fits your purpose


Have you ever had that tug in your gut that told you that your job just might not be what God is calling you to do? You're not alone.

Many people, even believers of Christ, can struggle with achieving certainty that their profession is their purpose. I know the world says nowadays that as long as you're passionate about what you do, you are where you are supposed to be.

But what happens to the struggling artist that can't get hold of a music career? Or the insurance salesman who hated his job at the start, but it slowly grew to become something he or she loved? In situations such as these, we are reminded that maybe passion isn't everything in choosing a profession that God has called you to be in.

There's probably no better example when it comes to finding God's call in your life vocationally than the one we see in Jesus's first disciples. Luke 5 tells the story of how Jesus calls Simon Peter into the profession that he was made for -- fishing for men.

As Jesus gets on the boat of a frustrated Simon Peter, who failed once more at his job and caught no fish, Jesus suddenly tells Him to cast down his net once more. We can learn a few things from Peter's reaction in Luke 5:5, where it is said, "And Simon answered, 'Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.'"

Leave your efforts out for a minute

Peter's first reaction is to say "Master, we toiled all night..." Interesting how many of us react the same way at first.

Master, I spent four years in college learning this stuff. Master, I've always wanted to be an enginner. As God calls us into a profession that He meant for us, He asks us first to lay aside our works and our efforts and trust first in His grace, seeking full devotion and sensitivity to Him above our toil and hardship

Don't focus on the results you see

I remember the first time God called me to be a pastor. I was terrible at it. But as I trusted in God's perfect will, he molded me not just into a better minister, but a better father, husband and person.

The results may not always be what we want to see, but God makes all things work together for the good of those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose.

Let down your nets

Maybe God has called you into marketing, social work or even full-time ministry, but he's asking you to do something that doesn't make that much sense -- letting down your nets when there's no catch.

At the end of the day, it all boils down to faith in God and the great work that He has in our lives, trusting that He knows what's best for us even if we don't.