What to do when your heart isn't in worship


Worship is not a call given only to a few chosen good and decent singers and musicians. It's a call for all who believe and follow Him. Sometimes we think it's our skill, our qualifications or our background that allow us to experience God in worship. But the only way to come to God in worship has and always will be through Jesus Christ alone.

Have you ever tried to worship God during corporate praise in a church service and felt that your singing didn't go beyond the roof of the sanctuary? What did you feel at that point? Did you feel unworthy of God's presence that your worship may have been rejected by God?

When we worship God, we don't worship Him with our voices or our mind. While we express worship through singing, lifting our hands and dancing, worship actually has very little to do with what we do and has everything to do with the position of our heart and the standing of our spirit. In John 4:24, Jesus tells us, "God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."

The Bible tells us clearly that the one thing that separates us from God is sin. To come to God's presence freely, we must be rid of all our sin and come to God in complete holiness and righteousness.

However, so many people try to earn their way into God's presence by trying to be good enough, holy enough, or righteous enough to come into His court on their own.

Sadly, we will never be good enough for God's presence because all of us have and will continue to fall short of God's glory (Romans 3:23).

But that's why the gospel is such good news because no matter how unqualified we are, Jesus qualifies us to walk into God's presence. Those moments we feel that our hearts are not in an attitude of worship, there's nothing we can do except allow Jesus' blood to make us whole and clean so we can come to God in worship.

Benjamin Sealey said in his book "Restoring The Heart of Worship," "The prize for the worshipper is not fame, money or power, but simply Jesus Himself, His like, His Joy, His peace, His restoration."

This is where many people fall short. We think coming to God in worship is about whether we sing, lift our hands or live our lives right. Coming to God in worship has very little with what we have to do. It is all about what Jesus has already done for us.

Our hearts and spirits have to be free from sin for us to enter into God's presence. Psalm 51:10 reminds us, "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me."

Only Jesus can make our hearts clean and our spirits renewed. Only then do we experience the full glory and power of God's majesty as we come to Him in worship made available only through the cross. Our skill, our qualifications or our background allow us to experience God in worship, but the only way to come to God in worship has and always will be through Jesus Christ alone.