What to pray when your husband has let you down badly


The reality is that people will always disappoint you. They don't mean to, but sometimes, you don't agree with what they say or do. Your mother can disappoint you, your best friend can also, and even your spouse can disappoint you. However, it stings a little more when this person is very close to you, right? Your husband is not a perfect man, and there is a good chance that there will be at least one point in your life that he will let you down badly. How do you deal with it? What do you pray for if that happens?

Pray for Wisdom

When your husband disappoints you, you'll feel hurt and confused. It's a natural reaction, but one that you cannot keep holding on to. Your confusion will later need clarity. Most of the time, you'll believe that you can only get that clarity from your husband, but no. God is the only way to end your confusion by giving you wisdom and understanding.

Usually, when you feel disappointed, you became angry and you keep a distance from the person who hurt you. Trust is tainted and this affects your relationship. Don't shut down just yet. Pray to God to give you wisdom to better understand what you're feeling and why your husband did what he did. Remember, even Christians need the Lord's guidance everyday and your husband is no different.

Pray for Hope

Sin is everywhere around us. Temptation is always there, but you cannot always live in fear. This is not what God wants us to do. He wants us to fight evil and resist temptation. Unfortunately, we, too, fail. But, do you think that God overreacts or hold resentment against us when we sin? Of course, not. He hurts, but we are forgiven when we repent. You must extend the same mercy to your husband whenever he lets you down.

In such cases, pray that your heart do not harden and that you can find it in your heart to forgive and be merciful to your husband as well. This means that after you forgive him, you will no longer hold his sins against him. Also, pray for hope that your marriage can weather the storm.

Pray for Healing

You've been through an emotional rollercoaster. And if your husband has disappointed you several times, it will already feel like a cycle. There's nowhere else to go but to God alone. The pain, the anger, the disappointment, let them all go. Pray for God to heal your heart. Allow the healing process to take over you. The problem is, when you put your emotional burden under the rug, it will explode someday and you'll be in a worse place with your husband. So, the moment you forgive him, start with the healing.

Disappointments will happen. Surely, somewhere along the way, you have also disappointed him. This is because we are not perfect and we will always make mistakes. The more emotionally invested you are to someone, the more the disappointed will be. Don't always think that this is a bad thing, instead, use these disappointments to encourage you to keep crying out to God for help. Release the burden that will affect your relationship with your spouse, lift them up all to the Lord.