What Would Jesus Drive?

In light of ongoing debates on climate change and ‘go green’ campaigns, over 4000 church leaders and members by Congregational and General Insurance in the UK were asked a question: “Would Jesus drive if he embarked on his travels in 21st Century Britain?”

This question was asked In advance of next week’s National Christian Resources Exhibition, where ethically-based home insurance will be discussed. Britain’s church-goers have voted with the result of more than one in four - the highest minority - believing that Jesus would still walk everywhere. Those who reckon he would choose to drive, think his chosen vehicle would be a Campervan.

“I’m not surprised at the results,” said CRE founder Gospatric Home. “Jesus spent his life interacting with people - and you can’t do that from behind the wheel of a BMW. When John Wesley travelled round Britain he chose to ride on horseback, not in a carriage.”