What's the Christian way to respond to failure?


Growing as a Christian is of high importance for people who want to become successful in life. Do you desire success? No matter what level of success you strive to build, you can be sure about one thing- in your journey towards win after win, you will lose at some point.

Failure is the one thing we can be sure of. Not everyone succeeds in life, but at some point or another everyone will fail. If there's one thing that everyone shares in common - it's failure.

If you look into success stories in the Bible, even the most mightily used men and women who advanced God's kingdom failed at some point. The apostle Paul started as a failure who persecuted God's workers thinking He was "serving" God. David, the greatest king Israel had, failed miserably when he murdered a man and took his wife. Peter, the mighty disciple and leader of the early church, denied Jesus three times.

We will all fail at some point and sadly many Christians base their worth and calling on the level or frequency of failures they have. If you think that being a success means failing less, we're highly mistaken.

God doesn't base our value and His will on our failures. Even when we are unfaithful, God will remain able and faithful. The truth is that God loved us when we were extreme failures. In Romans 5:8, we are told, "but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

God doesn't give up on you if you fail. And God certainly doesn't love you less if you fail. God loves us just the same when we make mistakes. Whether we make career mistakes, relationship mistakes, school mistakes or ministry mistakes, God will not give up on you.

There's only one way God responds to failure. He restores failures. Jeremiah 15:19 says this: "Therefore thus says the Lord: "If you return, I will restore you, and you shall stand before me. If you utter what is precious, and not what is worthless, you shall be as my mouth..." God is in the business of restoring and using failures for His greater glory.

Even in the midst of our mistakes and failures, Jesus is more than sufficient to be strong where we are weak. (2 Corinthians 12:9). Even in our lack of ability, skill, talent, network or resources, God uses us all. The question is simply this: Are you willing to allow God to use you in your inadequacy and to be strong where we are weak?

Why? Because God still loves us even when we fail. God empowers and calls those whom He loves to be used by Him. If you feel like a failure, know that God loves you and God can still use you if you simply surrender to Him.