When faith is shaken: Why shaking is a sign of breakthrough


My family and I love to travel and do so very often, but in many ways I am actually not a big fan of flying. In fact, I have to say that getting on a plane is the worst part of every travel itinerary for me. The waiting in the airport, the tight and squished up seat rows and the hassle of dealing with airport staff who can sometimes be very impolite all add up to be one of my biggest pet peeves.

But of all the things I hate most about flying, it's when the plane lands. Because I live in a tropical country where clouds are almost always thick every time we get on a plane, there is always turbulence. And then there's the nauseating shaking that happens as the plane wheels touch the runway.  The only consolation this has is that it actually signals the end of the whole ordeal.

As I was reflecting on that kind of experience and the thought that we all face turbulent shakings in life, I couldn't help but notice the distinct similarity. It's just the humour of God to use such experience to edify us.

Jesus said in John 16:33, "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."

Jesus is teaching here that there will always be two inevitable forces that will come to us at many points in our life: the sting of trying circumstances and the glorious victory through God's deliverance. And the first is always followed by the second.

I am reminded of an instance in Mark 9:20 where people bring a demon-possessed boy to Jesus. The Bible says, "And they brought the boy to him. And when the spirit saw him, immediately it convulsed the boy, and he fell on the ground and rolled about, foaming at the mouth." There's an important truth to be learned from this situation - that before things can get better they will actually get worse.

I'm not quite sure what you are going through today, but if it's not yet that bad I have encouragement for you - it's going to get worse. You might be thinking, "How is that encouraging?!" Here's why: Because the breakthrough always comes after the shaking.

In the same way that the intense shaking of an airplane landing commences the end of the fiery ordeal of air travel, intense faith shaking in our life commences the arrival of God's deliverance. Before God's breakthrough comes, He brings you through a period of shaking to show and prove to you just what you and what He is made of. The intense faith shaking that comes in the end becomes the signature of God's undeniable work in our life.

Are you experiencing shaking today? Get ready because it's going to get stronger, but just when you think you are about to give in God will come through and your breakthrough will come.