Where to find your purpose


God has an intensely grand purpose for you to use you for greater impact and greater reach. Some of you might be reading that and thinking, "You don't see where I am right now. I am far from being influential."

But God is no small thinker. If there's anyone with a vast and powerful vision for your life, it's God. Whatever you think you can accomplish and do for Him, He can make you do things much greater when you believe in Him.

Acts 1:8 tells us, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth" (ESV). God has two things in store for every Christian: great power and a call to be a witness. To receive and walk in both will always result in greatness.

That's not to say that we'll all become vocational evangelists; you don't have to preach the gospel at a vocational level to declare the power Christ has in your life. Your business, your relationships, your character, your drive and your integrity can and will speak volumes greater than you can ever imagine. But where do you find that great purpose that God has for your life?

Many of us think that purpose comes at the peak of a spiritual experience or when we are fully mature and aware of who we are. I don't want to discredit any of those two things, but that's not where purpose is found. Truth be told, people of God will usually find their purpose at the bottom of the pit, not at the height of a glorious experience.

Consider Gideon, who was given his purpose while hiding in the winepress; David, who was anointed when even his own father Jesse forgot about him; Moses, who was called to liberate Israel when he himself was a fugitive or Joshua, who was called by God at the foot of a great battle.

God declared to Israel, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord" (ESV, Jeremiah 29:11a), while in the midst of losing to Babylon and being captured by the enemy. God often reveals His purpose in your life when you are at your most trying moments. If you're facing a challenge today, it's time to open your ears to hear from God because this most likely will be the time when He reveals His grand plan for you.

Our purpose is discovered in the midst of trial where the renewing of the mind happens and the testing of our faith is most prominent.