Where was God amidst 2017's hardships and trials? Billy Graham offers words of comfort

When bad things happen, people oftentimes wonder - where is God? Why is He letting horrible things happen to His followers?

A lot of unpleasant events took place in 2017, and one person even told world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham, "I can't wait for this year to end. It's just been one problem after another - family sickness, a couple of deaths, financial issues, you name it. I begged God to solve them, but nothing happened. Where was God in all this?"


In response, Graham said that the most important thing to focus on is that God knows every little thing that happens in a person's life. Even though it did not seem like it at the time, God deeply cares for His children, and their pains and heartbreaks are His own.

"Frankly, I wish I knew why God allows hard times to come to us, but I don't - not fully. What I do know is that evil is real, and sometimes it seems to gain the upper hand, at least for a time," he said. "I also know that God knows all about evil and suffering, for His only Son, Jesus Christ, endured the suffering and death of the cross. But beyond the cross was the empty tomb, and because of Christ's resurrection, you and I can have hope - both now and forever."

Graham said there will definitely more hardships in the future, and people can opt to do one of two things. The first is to become bitter and turn against God, and the second is to turn in faith to Him, and find strength and hope in Him. "Which will it be for you?" questioned Graham. "As you stand on the threshold of a new year, turn to Jesus Christ and ask Him to come into your life. Then ask Him to give you His strength and wisdom as you face life's challenges."

Meanwhile, as people prepare for their New Year's resolutions for 2018, Graham said that they should never forget to make realistic ones and take necessary steps in order to achieve them. More importantly, they should ask God for help.

"We need God's help - and yet in our pride we refuse to turn to Him, and we try to improve our lives without Him. As a result we fall short," he said. "At the beginning of this new year turn to Jesus Christ and commit your life without reserve to Him. Then ask Him to give you the strength to become the kind of person He wants you to be."