Why are churches today splitting up?


The church is full of imperfect people. As a result, we have a group of flawed, offensive and irresponsible sinners playing church with each other on a regular basis. And as easy as it is to dismiss this as the cause for many church splits, arguments and offense are not the real cause of church splits.

The Bible tells us that the Church is to be pictured as the radiant bride of Christ completely sanctified of all sin and hurt. The Word of God also says that we are a body full of many parts working together in complete unity. Does that necessarily mean that we won't argue, fight or disagree in church? I believe there is no stopping that because we are all completely different, but being different doesn't mean that we cannot be one.

According to Columbia Daily Herald, there are an average of 19,000 scarring and major church hurts recorded in the United States alone annually. That tallies about 50 church issues that hurt thousands of members. However, not all churches who experience hurt split up, and there are many that survive the offense and continue to serve God together. 

So if arguments aren't causing church splits, what is? Here are three prevalent reasons why some churches separate.

Pastors are building the church

Matthew 16:18 says, "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it." From the very beginning, it was very clear that Jesus was the one who builds the church, not man, not doctrine and most certainly not emotions.

There's no doubt that churches today have seen some of the finest pastors and leaders, but no matter how good they are, no one will ever be enough to build a church. Only Jesus can build a church. Our only job is to trust Him and love others.

Love is not the motivation

Many church leaders believe that proper teachings, proper structures or proper funding are the key to a motivated church. But 1 Corinthians 13 reminds us that even when we speak in tongues of angels, prophesy powerfully or give generously to the poor but not have love, we are nothing.

The love of Christ displayed for the church and that love that empowers us to love one another is the one motivation that brings us together.

Unity is not a priority

Theology and doctrine are vital to a church, but unless we have brothers and sisters to help us weight out our doctrine and belief we will never completely find the truth. When a church prioritizes being right over being together, one can only expect offence and broken relationships.

The church being a body does not mean that we will always be perfect in our functions, but that we will always be united and brought together despite differences and imperfections.

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