Why a father is vitally important, according to the Bible


God is our father and we are all his children. Knowing this, it is easy to realize the important role of having a Christian father in the household. The role of a Christian father has a huge impact on how to train a child as they grow up and how the child will walk with God. Fathers are God's instruments to practice discipline and instruction in the home, which is why it is imperative that a Christian father knows his role and follows through. Here's why a father is vitally important:

Loves and respects his wife

Respect is a value that cannot really be taught with words. Children learn it best by seeing it firsthand. A father must always show respect towards his wife, as this will serve as a prime example of what respect is. For children to truly understand what a loving relationship and marriage is, they must see their parents live it out. Later on in life, this belief will be reflected in how they handle their relationships, too. Thus, as a Christian father, you must always honor, cherish, and love your wife.

Meets physical and emotional needs

The stereotype of the family is often the father working to provide for the family while the mother nurtures the children. The Bible paints a more balanced picture, however. A Christian father must be able to meet both the physical and emotional needs of the family. He must make time for the family and offer support to whoever needs it. He must lead the way for his family to be anchored in Christ all the time.

As Psalm 103:13 says, "As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him." 

Balances discipline and commendations

Colossians 3:21 says, "You fathers, do not be exasperating your children, so that they do not become downhearted." It is clear that the Lord expects the father to be the head of discipline and instruction at home. However, a good Christian father must follow what the Bible says about discipline. Expressing anger and frustration to your children should still be done with love and with the welfare of the children in mind.

On the other hand, a father must not deprive his kids of commendation as well. Compliments and words of appreciation help build the character of a child. This gives them confidence. They will also realize that if they do something bad, that it will have consequences. But if they do something good, their good works will also be recognized. A good Christian father must always find this balance.

A good communicator

How often have you heard people say that men are bad communicators? But according to the Bible, a father must be able to communicate well with his family. He should also speak gently and not be quick to anger. Think about it, if your child knows that you can get easily angry, how can your child talk to you about their concerns? That immediately makes them back off. James 1:19 says:

Every man must be swift about hearing, slow about speaking, slow about wrath.

If your child knows that you can listen and speak calmly, they will have greater confidence in approaching you. They'll feel more assured about having a solid support system at home, and they won't feel like they need to find that support elsewhere. Furthermore, when you listen to your child, they will feel respected and worthy enough of your attention and genuine affection.

As a father, you automatically become a role model for your children. They have the utmost respect and belief in you. They believe in what you say, and they'll listen to you as well. Take this opportunity to be a great example of what a good Christian father must be. Showcase God in your life and how God is a father to His children. Be loving, be gentle, be supportive, and most importantly, always bring your children closer to the Lord.