Why is Disney making a movie on Charles Darwin? Christian fans ask

Charles Darwin is an English naturalist and geologist best known for his theory of evolution.(Wikimedia)

With all the possible characters, fictional or otherwise, Disney can choose to be their next action star, the studio decided to go with Charles Darwin.

According to Deadline, Disney has closed a deal acquiring the rights to an adventure film starring Darwin, whose character will be very similar to Harrison Ford's highly popular fictional character Indiana Jones.

The movie, which currently does not have a title yet, will cover the events during Darwin's five-year voyage back in 1831 on board the ship HMS Beagle, which he rode to chart the coastline of South America.

During that voyage, Darwin made a lot of significant discoveries that he would later use to back up the theories he will make about life and the history of man.

The film will be directed by Stephen Gagham.

The move led Christian movie fans to wonder why Disney would turn Darwin—someone who disproved everything that the Bible ever taught about the creation of mankind—into an action hero.

"Is this just an attempt to combine the high adventure and seafaring dangers of those existing series? Or is there another reason behind the choice?" Charisma News asked, referring to "Indiana Jones" and "Pirates of the Caribbean."

Darwin is an English naturalist and geologist best known for his theory of evolution, which states that "all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce."

Charles Darwin was already the subject of a 2009 movie called "Creation" that starred Paul Bettany as Darwin and Jennifer Connelly as his wife Emma. The story dealt with the death of the Darwins' eldest daughter Annie, which broke the scientist's faith in God. However, the tragedy only fuelled his wife's faith. That was the reason given why the two bumped heads as he was writing his book about evolution.