Why it's so easy to lie and how to be free from chronic lying


It's probably safe to say that everyone has had a struggle or two with the truth. What is it about lying that makes it so easy to do so? One of the most effective ways to achieve goals, get what we want or avoid trouble is to lie. I'm not saying it's okay to lie. All I'm saying is this: Lying works. And that's why we get so hooked on it.

For example, we lie by taking credit for things we didn't work for at work and we get a sale and we earn money. It works. Or you told a friend you missed their birthday because you were busy, when the truth was you were at home all day just too lazy to get up.  But that lie got you off the hook. It works. Lying is one of the easiest things to do, and the thing about us is that it's in our nature to be suckers for things that work, even if they don't work the way they're supposed to work.

A few years ago, I was stuck with this old MacBook. It was one of those white ones, it was good and it still worked but it was really old. Nowadays, work depends really heavily on the use of a laptop, but one time God told me to give my laptop away. At first I hesitated saying "Lord, I know this isn't the best but works and it's all I have."

But God was telling me "If you make room, I'll give you something better." So I obeyed. After obeying God, I soon received a MacBook Pro completely free. In some way or another, we're all like that. We're stuck with a rusty old lie and God wants us to let go of that so He can give you a shiny new truth that works better.

Lying is so addictive because it works, but it's not God's best for you. It's a quick fix, but one that we just settle for. It works for a while, but it will only be a matter of time until you're going to need to fix it again with another lie and another lie. Lying may be a quick fix, but never a permanent solution. God wants the best for you. God wants the truth and the truth is what will get you the best.

How can we become free from the trap of chronic lying? The key is to accept God's best through Jesus Christ, not through our quick fixes. In John 14:6, Jesus declares, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life..." When we know the life we have in Christ, we need not trust in the quick fix that lies and deception bring.