Why this New Jersey church pastor made a personal decision to stop drinking

Lead Pastor Jamie Morgan of Life Church says, 'Bible in one hand, beer in the other—any lost person could point this out as a confusing contradiction.'(Life Church)

Some Christians think it is acceptable to drink during special occasions while others believe it is wrong at all times.

For Pastor Jamie Morgan of Life Church in Williamstown, New Jersey, U.S.A., she would rather do away with alcohol in her life.

"I am a Christian and I don't drink. I am also a pastor and ex-alcoholic. I need to make that disclaimer right up front. Although it makes me biased, it also makes me an expert on this hotly debated issue," she writes in an article for Charisma News.

Morgan explains that the worst "shudder moments" of her life occurred when she was under the influence of alcohol, and the same can be said among those from her church.

But because drinking has become a "hipster" activity, Morgan says it has become a popular and socially accepted norm.

"Christian young adults post pictures of their signature drink on Facebook. Middle-aged Christian women name-drop their favorite brand of Pinot Grigio to impress their wine snob friends. Churches send direct-mail postcards that read, "Give our church a shot!" featuring an edgy shot glass graphic. Even some pastors drink," she says.

As widely accepted as drinking is now, Morgan says she will never indulge in that former pastime again. She actually stopped drinking when she became a Christian 26 years ago. According to the pastor, it was a personal decision and nobody told her to stop doing so.

"I just knew it would be contradictory and self-defeating to my relationship with Christ. I had given my life to follow Jesus and nothing was going to hinder my walk. For me, it was a no-brainer," she says.

Morgan then compiled a list of reasons why she stopped drinking, and she hopes that it might inspire others to "prayerfully consider" to stop drinking as well.

"The Bible says that no drunkards will enter the kingdom of God. Being drunk starts with one drink. I don't want to see how far outside the lines I can colour when eternity is at stake," she says. "Alcohol doesn't bring me closer to the Lord when I drink, but further away."

"Wisdom is the principle thing that I need to pursue at all cost; alcohol makes me stupid," she says. "Even the unsaved know I shouldn't drink. Bible in one hand, beer in the other—any lost person could point this out as a confusing contradiction."