Why you should keep praying at all times


As Christians, we can never afford to lose communication with our God and Father. Unlike our earthly fathers and those who are closest to us, we can talk to God at any time and in every place, in every situation and for any reason, without the need for a device, gadget or any communication paraphernalia. All we need to do is to pray.

The sad thing is that many don't pray. Paul encourages us to "pray without ceasing" simply because we need to pray for everything that we need and need to do in our lives. (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

But how do we keep on praying non-stop?

Praying without end

Some have unnecessarily burdened themselves with the thought that they need to keep praying always. It should never be a burden. Have you had a friend you love to talk to for hours on end? If you're married, do you enjoy constant conversations with your spouse? As for me, I love talking to my wife. In fact, four or five hours of daily chat aren't enough because we just can't seem to stop talking to each other.

Why? It's because we love each other's company. If you love talking to, and with, a person, the hours just fly by, doesn't it?

In the same way, if we would love to talk with our loving God and Father, we would find that all the seconds in a day – all 86,400 seconds of it – aren't enough for us. Conversations with the Lord are the best conversations you'll ever have in your entire life.

Pray to build your relationship with God. Actually, it's God who's building up the relationship more than you think you do. Your praying merely opens your heart and ears to Him.

Pray about everything

The Bible encourages us to pray for every need. We all need food, shelter and clothing. We all need company. We all need a reason to live. We all need air to breathe, water to drink, and some land to put our feet on. We need some help with things. Friend, you can pray about anything.

Are you sick? Pray for healing. Are you sad? Pray for joy. Are you in despair? Pray for God to move on your behalf. Are you longing to have better relationships at home? Pray for it. Are you angry at God for something you think He didn't do for you? Pray to Him about it. Look at Job, David, even the Lord Jesus. They all prayed for every need they had, and so should we.

If we stop praying, then we stop receiving. The Lord Jesus said, "ask, and you will receive" when we ask in His name (see Mark 11:24; John 16:24). James tells us we ask and don't receive because we ask for the wrong things and for the wrong motives (see James 4:3). Pray right and pray in faith.

Remember, you are God's child in Christ. You should pray because as a child, you really need your Father.