Williams condemns harrassment of churches in Zimbabwe

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has unequivocally condemned the Zimbabwean Government's attempts to oppress believers in the country who are opposed to the ousted Bishop of Harare, Norbert Kunonga.

On Sunday, police in the capital burst into a number of services being held in churches aligned with the acting Bishop of Harare, the Rt Rev Sebastian Bakare. At least three priests and several parishioners were arrested in the raids on the charge of holding services without the authorisation of police or government - only pro-Kunonga churches may legally continue to hold services.

Dr Williams said in a statement on Monday that he "condemns unequivocally the use of state machinery to intimidate opponents of the deposed bishop of Harare, Nolbert Kunonga".

He added that he was "appalled" by the reports of Zimbabwean police forcibly stopping the Sunday services in Harare "where clergy have publicly and bravely refused to acknowledge Kunonga's Episcopal authority".

The Archbishop went on to express his "solidarity" with the Province of Central Africa, which covers Malawi, Zambia and Botswana in addition to Zimbabwe.

Bishop Kunonga, a close ally of President Robert Mugabe, had his priestly licence revoked last December after illegally separating from the Anglican Central African Province and installing himself as Archbishop of Zimbabwe.

Dr Williams added that Kunonga's behaviour and consistent refusal to distance himself from the Zimbabwean Government was "untenable". He did not receive an invitation last May to attend the 2008 Lambeth Conference.

Bishop Kunonga announced on Saturday that he had formed his own Anglican Church of Zimbabwe, although he appears to have little support from parishioners. Around 20 parishes in Harare openly declared their support for Bishop Bakare by deciding to hold their own services last week, instead of seeking state authority.

The Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, the Rev Kenneth Kearon, said that the situation of the Anglican Church in Harare was "a matter of grave concern to all in the Anglican Communion" and that Bishop Kunonga's actions were an "embarrassment".

"Bishop Kunonga's close ties with President Robert Mugabe is of deep concern to many and the resort to violent disruption has been widely deplored," he said.

"His unilateral actions with respect to the Diocese of Harare and his own status within the Province of Central Africa are, to say the least, questionable and have brought embarrassment to many. Above all, I am concerned for the well-being of faithful Anglicans who seek to practice their faith in peace and free from violence."

He assured Anglicans in Zimbabwe of his prayerful support.