Windows 10 news: Anniversary update officially launches Aug. 2

Windows 10Microsoft

As reported by The Verge, Microsoft may have accidentally revealed the launch date for the  Windows 10 Anniversary update. According to the report, Microsoft posted on their blog that the update would launch this coming Aug. 2 but then the details and content of the blog post were later taken down just moments after.

The report points out that the blog post may have been published prematurely and by accident, which is why it was immediately removed. If this proves true then it is likely that the date is accurate and Microsoft will be making an official announcement soon.

Some of the newer features from the update include a new system for Cortana where the virtual assistant will now offer to hail an Uber ride if the user is staying late at an office or out traveling, reports Tech Radar. Other improvements have been added to the Start menu and this especially goes for tablets which regain a full-screen app list. 

One of the biggest improvements go to the Windows 10 Edge browser. While the browser has been praised for its speed and precision it has been bogged down by the lack of extension support. That all changes as Windows 10 Anniversary is getting extension support to allow the Edge browser to compete with the likes of Google Chrome.

According to the report, the update is also guaranteed to be free and this is most likely the biggest factor that will lead to the continued success of Windows 10 as the lead OS. There have been some controversies regarding Windows 10 being forced upon consumers, but with these new updates it may make Windows 10 like the best option to go forward with.

Microsoft is expected to make a formal announcement soon as well as a video presentation to showcase all of the new features that the update will offer.