Windows 10 problems and issues; users request more features before release date

Windows 10 Developer Preview has a lot of issues going on.Windows

Two weeks after its release, Windows 10 already has a million users testing out the Developer Preview. More than half of those are trying it out on their PCs, and the rest, on their virtual machines. It looks like these "testers" have found the great use of the built-in feedback tool as they have gone ahead to let Microsoft know that Windows 10 is anything but flawless.

In an article, Gotta Be Mobile warned its readers to stay away from installing the early version. The site stated reasons that are straight-up convincing to support its caution. For instance, users are considered lucky if apps like the Mail crash only twice. Loading and installing apps while running the Developer Preview will lead to either a crash or a failure.

Users also shared their sentiments and nagged about bugs. As the users are very keen on having the OS improved, they listed their requests, including bringing back missing features and putting elements that they think should be in the new OS.

Overall, users are asking for a more visual Windows 10 while making sure not to leave out productivity. The most impactful concern users have is the immovable task view buttons at the bottom left of the task bar. Users wish to see these buttons more movable, less fixed, and customizable. The fourth biggest concern is a long-time request that seems to be constantly denied —  "Add tabs to Explorer." Until Microsoft realizes its advantage, users will have to live without it for now.

Users also want Microsoft to "make a beautiful boot screen." Apparently, testers with multiple operating systems are not after a simple boot menu, but a "beautiful" one at that.  The next one is more matter-of-factly.

"Complete the transition from Control Panel to PC Settings," implore the users.

This only means that they want the makers to have the Metro-style PC Settings and Desktop-style Control Panel as one. Useful settings are divided into the two styles, and it looks like no user would want to dig up and roam around.

Another is the request for "more virtual desktop configurability." At the moment, Windows 10 allows different apps for virtual desktops. However, users want it more customizable by being able to use different wallpapers for virtual desktops.

In the early stage of development, bugs and issues are inevitable. In the course of the process, Microsoft will address all these to bring a better, bug-free operating system. Tech outlets like Gotta Be Mobile and Extreme Tech believe that the operating system is not in its fullest potential yet and that Windows 10 will only get better. Users will get to see the final product in late 2015.