Windows 10 Mobile has yet to get official release date

Windows 10 mobile[photo: Commons Wikimedia/Microsoft]

Microsoft has already launched Windows 10 so now the question is when will Windows 10 Mobile be out?

The question apparently comes to mind. Considering that Microsoft has yet to announce on when the mobile version will come out, folks who are hoping to check it out are left hanging.

There was word before that the target release date of the Windows 10 Mobile would be for the coming fall. That was earlier hinted by Microsoft's Windows and Surface Business Group Lead Anthony Doherty who says that the Windows 10 mobile could be out earlier. But the thing is, that target date could be limited to Africa.

Thus, it brings us back to the current situation. When will Windows 10 Mobile be out for the majority?

Now aside from that, there is the question of compatibility. Word has it that Windows 10 mobile may not be suited for Windows Phone 8.1 devices due to lack of onboard storage.

Though reportedly compatible, it seems that phones running on Windows Phone 8.1 stand not to receive the update due to the minimum storage requirement. This was revealed through a German version of the Windows 10 Mobile site but the thing is it was the only one who bared such information. Could it be an error or indeed factual?

If you think of it, the number of devices that run on less than 8 GB of storage could be few. Most devices in use today are normally offered at 16 GB storage at a minimum so this bit could mean that older devices may not be able to update to Windows 10 Mobile, which has yet to be announced.

On that note, it does seem to make sense. Like Android, not all devices would be getting updates so it is likely that Microsoft could be thinking the same.

Nevertheless, the question remains — will the Windows 10 Mobile be out by November?