Windows 10 Mobile release date: Software to drop 'soon'

Windows Official Blog

Supposed to be rolled out before Christmas last year, Windows 10 Mobile will reportedly be ready to be out and about "soon" for Lumia handsets that still have Windows 8.1 on board. This is according to Microsoft's official Twitter support, @LumiaHelp.

"Windows 10 Mobile will become available soon. Lumia 950 and 950 XL ship with Windows 10 with additional devices to follow," one tweet read. In another tweet, it revealed that "no specific date has been announced yet but we're sure that it will be revealed soon."

Interestingly, a tipster who spoke to Nokia Power User hinted that the update really is close. In fact, the source claims that the update will start to trickle in to the first batch of recipients as early as Jan. 12, the same day Microsoft will reportedly lift the veil off the Lumia 850.

While there is no corroboration of this claim yet, it does fall under the category of "soon" that LumiaHelp suggested in its replies. But unless the Redmond-based tech company says Windows 10 Mobile will indeed be available to Windows 8.1 handsets next week, it is best to take this with a pinch of salt.

Meanwhile, LumiaHelp reminded users with Windows 10 Mobile concerns that a device should have at least 8 GB internal storage to be eligible to the update. It is important to note that not every Lumia or Windows phone will be getting to enjoy all the features of the software, especially the advanced ones. This means that some devices may not be upgraded at all.

As for the handsets that will be receiving the software itself, WMPowerUser reports that the handsets such as the Lumia 630, 640, 640 XL, 730 and Lumia 930 will likely be on the front of the line. The remainder of the devices with Windows Phone 8.1 Denim software will then be updated as well.