Windows 10 OS to get automatic security fixes for 10 years

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The soon-to-be released Windows 10 operating system (OS) from Microsoft will be receiving automatic security fixes for more than 10 years.

This would mean that whichever device has the official Windows 10 installed on it should be good to go for at least the next decade.

Earlier on, there was some confusion regarding just how long Microsoft would actually be providing support for the upcoming OS, according to PC World. The confusion stemmed mainly from Microsoft's use of the phrase "supported lifetime of the device," which prompted many to question what that actually meant.

As it turns out, a device's supported lifetime is just a little over 10 years. The fact that the Windows 10 OS will be receiving more than a decade's worth of security fixes puts it right in line with what Microsoft has always chosen to do with their earlier OS offerings.

Aside from receiving automatic security fixes for the next decade or so, Windows 10 will also be getting what Microsoft terms as "mainstream security" support for the next five years, according to Venture Beat. To be more exact, mainstream support for Windows 10 would end on Oct. 13, 2020. The five-year timeline for mainstream support is also in line with what Microsoft has provided for their older OS products.

Microsoft is offering the new Windows 10 OS for free, as part of the company's efforts to restore goodwill after some of their most recent OS offerings drew less than unanimous acclaim. Microsoft has also made a point of emphasizing their free offers along with the new OS as part of their attempt to keep more users loyal to and invested in the platform.

Microsoft will begin making Windows 10 available for both personal computers (PCs) and tablets on July 29. Users who are not eligible for an upgrade by then will receive the new OS as soon as it is released, which is to expected to happen sometime in the fall.