Windows 10 Phone release date and specs roundup

Nokia Lumia 930

A new Windows Phone is reportedly on its way to the much awaited Mobile World Congress as Microsoft teased tech enthusiasts that the smartphone will be powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon 810 processor.

According to The Inquirer, Microsoft hinted that a Snapdragon 810-powered Lumia device is bound to be launched soon, and with the MWC coming up, some people tend to connect things together. 

The speculations surfaced just as Qualcomm confirmed that it lost a major client that denied using the latest Snapdragon 810 SoC. Although the chipmaker did not drop the name of the big-time client that broke the partnership, many speculate that Qualcomm was referring to Samsung, which is rumored to release smartphones equipped with its homegrown Exynos chip processor. 

However, Qualcomm tries to convince everyone that it is doing well by signing up other companies, including Microsoft. 

"Microsoft and Qualcomm's long standing collaboration has allowed the two companies to offer compelling business, imaging and entertainment experiences with Lumia smartphones running on Windows Phone. We look forward to continuing this relationship to deliver best in class Lumia smartphones, powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon 810 processors, and offer an unprecedented combination of processing power, rich multimedia, high-performance graphics and wireless connectivity for our customers," Microsoft's general manager for portfolio and product management Juha Kokkonen confirmed

The new Snapdragon chipset was announced last year and it supports features like Cat 9 LTE with speeds of up to 450 Mbps, 4K video capture and cameras up to 55 megapixels. Features within these ranges will most likely appear in the handsets. 

Other features of the new Windows Phone were not disclosed, but this has fueled rumors that it will run with the Windows 10 mobile OS. 

Previous reports pointed that that the Redmond-based company will release two new Lumia smartphones at the trade show. One of the smartphones is the Lumia 1330 or the high-end successor of the Lumia 1320 and the other is an entry level smartphone dubbed as the Lumia 930 smartphone or a cheaper version of Lumia 830 with PureView camera with inferior specs and features. 

Meanwhile, there is no definite confirmation from Microsoft about the alleged smartphones.